Code for control and payment system of Jura Coffee Machine
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blue.py File Reference

Main script to run for BlackBetty. More...


namespace  blue


def blue.setupBuzzer (pin)
 Setup buzzer.
def blue.beep (duration)
 Make a beep sound.
def blue.lockUnlockMachine (code, lock_status, unlock_code="77e1")
 Lock or unlock the machine.
def blue.scanCard ()
 Scan for RFID tag.
def blue.getAlerts (status)
 Get alerts from the decoded machine status and convert it to the corresponding alerts (if any) If the corresponding bit is not set, the alert is not active.
def blue.end_read (signal, frame)
 End the program Runs when Ctrl+C is pressed.
def blue.read_statistics ()
 Read the statistics from the machine.


json blue.CHARACTERISTICS = json.load(open("/home/pi/Jura-Python-BT/data/uuids_handles.json"))["characteristics"]
 Global Constants The dictionary of UUIDs and handles of the bluetooth characteristics.
json blue.ALERTS = json.load(open("/home/pi/Jura-Python-BT/data/alerts.json"))["alerts"]
 The dictionary of alerts from machine status.
json blue.PRODUCTS = json.load(open("/home/pi/Jura-Python-BT/data/products.json"))["products"]
 The dictionary of products the machine can make.
json blue.PRICECOFFEE = json.load(open("/home/pi/Jura-Python-BT/data/prices.json"))["pricecoffee"]
 The dictionary of prices of the products.
int blue.BUZZER_PIN = 7
 The pin for the buzzer.
os blue.DEVICE = os.getenv("DEVICE")
 Load the environment variables from .env file.
os blue.MASTERCARD1 = os.getenv("MASTER_CARD_1")
 The UID of master card 1 read from .env file.
os blue.MASTERCARD2 = os.getenv("MASTER_CARD_2")
 The UID of master card 2 read from .env file.
db_connect blue.DB = db_connect()
 The open database connection.
BtEncoder blue.BtEncoder = BtEncoder()
 The instance of the BtEncoder class.
JuraEncoder blue.JuraEncoder = JuraEncoder()
 The instance of the JuraEncoder class.
 The instance of the RFID reader class

lcddriver blue.lcd = lcddriver.lcd()
 Initialize LCD.
 blue.child = pexpect.spawn("gatttool -b " + DEVICE + " -I -t random")
 Get all necessary variables from setup.py -> check file for more information.
 blue.CURRENT_STATISTICS = decoded
db_connect blue.c = DB.cursor()
int blue.emergency_unlock = 0
 blue.else :
str blue.lock_status = "unlocked"
 blue.try :
serial blue.port = serial.Serial("/dev/serial0", baudrate = 9600, timeout = 1.0)
 blue.except :
bool blue.buttonPress = False
 The variables used in the main loop.
bool blue.continue_reading = True
str blue.lastSeen = ""
int blue.counter = 0
int blue.disp_init = 1
int blue.payment_to_date = 1
str blue.client_to_pay = ""
int blue.admin_locked = 0
int blue.admin_prod = 0
int blue.total_prod = 0
int blue.payed_prod = 0
int blue.current_time = int(time.time() - initial_time)
int blue.hour = int(time.strftime("%H"))
int blue.minute = int(time.strftime("%M"))
int blue.second = int(time.strftime("%S"))
child blue.data = child.readline()
BtEncoder blue.decoded = BtEncoder.encDecBytes(data, KEY_DEC)
def blue.uid_str = scanCard()
def blue.prod = read_statistics()
bool blue.product_made = False
get_value blue.value = get_value(DB, uid_str)
str blue.value_str = str("Balance: " + str('%.2f' % value) + " EUR")
get_name blue.lastName = get_name(DB, uid_str)
get_vorname blue.preName = get_vorname(DB, uid_str)
str blue.welStr = str("Hello " + preName)
str blue.msgStr3 = str("Hold for 2s please ")
str blue.msgStr4 = str("Chip below ")
time blue.intial_time_2 = time.time()
int blue.chosen = 0
int blue.started = 0
int blue.over = 0
int blue.time_total = int(time.time() - intial_time_2)
list blue.data2 = [int(x, 16) for x in data.split()]
list blue.as_hex = ["%02x" % d for d in decoded]
json blue.price_product = PRICECOFFEE[product_made]
int blue.value_new = 0
str blue.msgStr1 = str(product_made + " was made!")
str blue.msgStr2 = str(" Happy betty :) ")

Detailed Description

Main script to run for BlackBetty.
